Friday, May 16, 2014

A woodpecker nest!

So its been awhile since I've written on my blog.  All kinds of strange things have occurred so I may have to split this into a few separate issues.

Let's see....after that storm that I wrote about earlier, I had a crew come out to cut down the remaining branch in the oak tree.  Since they were here I figured I'd have them cut a couple more dead trees down too.  Later in the day after my husband got home, we walked out to where the trees were cut and to my surprise found a woodpecker nest had been in one of the trees and the men cut around it and set the nest on the stump that was left.
I was so mad that they didn't notify me that there was a nest in the tree!!!! They obviously saw the nest!!  Instead of calling me and letting me make the decision of whether to cut it down or not, they just cut it anyway!  It still makes me angry to think about it.  I would have had them stop cutting and let the momma woodpecker hatch and care for the babies first before cutting down the tree.  What fun that would have been to know that they were up there!  The tree was not endangering anything and could have stayed there for as long as needed.  Obviously I will not be using that company again!  Anyway I enlisted my husband to try to get the nest back up into a nearby tree hoping that mamma woodpecker would come back.  Here's what it looks like now.
I'm hoping she'll come back but I doubt she will.  I feel better though for doing all I could after unknowingly having idiots ruin her nest.